Change of Address
& Personal Information
After you are married, you may need to complete a change of address form for one or the both of you!
The United States Postal Service has made this easy to do online! Use these terrific resources offered by the USPS. |
Be Prepared for the Unexpected
You're married now, so you may need to change your beneficiary information on your insurance policies, update your will, and perhaps get additional insurance.
How would your new spouse be able to handle your financial situation if something unexpected were to happen to you? It's not enjoyable to think about, but it is something you should plan for.
Be prepared -- don't procrastinate on this one! |
Send Your Thank-You Notes
When you return from your honeymoon, the last thing you are going to want to do is write thank you notes, but find a way to motivate yourself to get it done. Your guests will appreciate it and it's the polite thing to do. Even if you procastinate, it is never too late to send a thank you.
Order Wedding Thank You Notes |
Money Matters
You probably should have discussed how you were going to handle your finances prior to the wedding.
However, in case you didn't, make a date with your spouse to sit down and discuss this. |
- How are you going to handle the bills?
- Checking Accounts and Savings Accounts?
- Investment Accounts?
- Credit Cards and Loans?
Have a heart to heart discussion about these things and be considerate of each others' feelings. Sometimes it's hard to get the "married" financial mentality when you have been single for so long! |