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 Flower Girls & Ring Bearers

Flower Girl Fun Facts
The flower girls of Ancient Greece and Rome scattered grains and herbs along the path of the bride as symbols of fertility. It wasn't until the time of Queen Elizabeth I that baskets of flowers were carried. Today it is not unusual for flower girls to carry a miniature bridal bouquet or pomander as they walk down the aisle.

Fun Gifts for Your Flower Girl
Flower Girl Gifts

Featured Wedding Professionals
Flower Girl Baskets & Gifts
Visit for a large selection of adorable flower girl baskets, petals for tossing, and gifts for your flower girl. Great prices and the best selection online!
866.515.9385 | Send Email
Ring Bearer Pillows & Gifts
Visit for a large selection of ring bearer pillows and gifts for your ring bearer. Great prices and the best selection online!
866.515.9385 | Send Email
Flower Girl FAQ's

How old is the typical flower girl?

Most flower girls are between the ages of 4 and 8, though some brides have opted to choose flower girls who are as young as 2 to participate in their big days.

Does the flower girl have to be a relative?
No. While most flower girls are related to the bride or groom, it is perfectly acceptable to ask the child of a close friend to be your flower girl.

Who chooses the flower girl dress?
Typically, the bride decides the attire for flower girls.

Does the flower girl dress match the bride’s dress or the bridesmaids’ dresses?
Either. Some brides prefer to have their flower girls dressed as miniature versions of themselves; others choose dresses that coordinate with the color scheme of the wedding.

Who pays for the flower girl dress?
The parents of the flower girl typically pay for the dress. Although, if the bride has chosen a particularly expensive dress, it is preferable that the bride (or bride’s family) pays or the dress.

Does the flower girl stand up with the rest of the bridal party during the ceremony?
Yes and no. Older flower girls usually stand as part of the bridal party during the ceremony. Younger flower girls usually return to their parents once the procession has been completed. If you choose to have a younger child as your flower girl, it is important to seat the parents near the front.

Does the flower girl participate in the reception?
Because the flower girl is part of the wedding party, she should be invited to the reception – even if just for a short amount of time. That being said, many brides today are choosing to arrange babysitting services or other children’s activities for their guests who have children.

What are some other roles of the flower girl?
Older flower girls can assume a greater role in the wedding festivities. They can be in charge of the guest book or can help serve at the reception. Other roles include serving as the lookout while the newlywed couple’s car is being decorated.

Can I have more than one flower girl?
Yes. It is not uncommon for brides to choose two flower girls. In fact, having two flower girls can sometimes be easier to manage since they can walk together down the aisle.

Are flower girls in the wedding photos?
Yes. Flower girls also are featured in the wedding party photographs and usually stand just in front of the maid of honor near the bride.

Do I have to have a flower girl at all?
No. This is your big day – It is up to you!


Ring Bearer Tips
We’ve all been to weddings at which the cute little ring bearer refused to walk down the aisle. We’ve all heard stories of tuxedo clad children who have climbed all over the altar, played hide-n-seek under the bridal gown, or tried to play the church organ. If these behaviors do not mesh with your vision of your wedding day, here are a few tips to keep your ring bearer from morphing into a little ring terror.

Choose An Older Child
Older children understand directions and expectations more easily.

Outline Expectations
Be sure to let the child know what he is supposed to do. And don’t forget to tell his parents so that they can work with him at home. These duties include:

  • Wearing a tuxedo or other appropriate attire
  • Walking down the aisle, either with the flower girl or just before her
  • Carrying a ring pillow with the wedding rings attached (see below)
  • Remaining quiet and attentive during the ceremony
  • Offer the rings at the appropriate time during the ceremony
  • Escorting the flower girl during the wedding recession.
  • Behaving at the reception

Keep in mind that the ring bearer is really just a little boy; these considerations will go a long way toward preventing disaster.

  • It is not imperative that the ring bearer match the other men in the wedding party. Choose clothing that is appropriate but not uncomfortable.
  • Let your ring bearer choose whether he wants to walk with the flower girl or by himself. It really isn’t a big deal.
  • Give your ring bearer a similar pillow to take home so that he can practice.
  • If your ring bearer is unable to be quiet and attentive, then seat his parents near the front so that he can return to them once the bride has taken her place beside the groom.
  • Use surrogate rings on the ring pillow. Have the best man and maid of honor carry the real wedding bands.
  • Offer babysitting services or other children’s activities at the wedding reception so that you and your adult friends and family can enjoy the celebration.

Keep A Sense of Humor
Your wedding day is about so much more than the ring bearer. If your ring bearer acts up, it will be okay. Remember, that unplanned events sometimes make for the best and funniest memories for you and your friends and family to cherish for a lifetime.

Great Gifts for Your Ring Bearer
Kids love stuff with their names on it. Consider giving your little guy a personalized gift to let him know how how cool you think he really is!

Find Great Gifts for your Ring Bearer at!

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